Calibre press instructors
Calibre press instructors

The Seminar assists more than 6,000 officers each year in becoming better prepared for deadly scenarios that are a part of their daily duties. The Street Survival® Seminar has been the leader in training, information and resources for law enforcement personnel for more than 30 years, and is recognized as the definitive in-person training provider for police officers in the United States. The companies are also currently working on a possible cooperative arrangement between LifeLine and to maximize the experience for anyone attending a Street Survival® Seminar. Praetorian will coordinate previously scheduled seminars through the end of 2012 before fully transitioning Calibre Press® Street Survival® Seminar operations to LifeLine in 2013. Owned and operated by Jim Glennon, a veteran police lieutenant and former Calibre Press® lead instructor and director of curriculum, LifeLine will officially begin operating the Street Survival® Seminar in 2013.

calibre press instructors

The Praetorian Group, Inc., the leading safety and security online media company, today announced the sale of the Calibre Press® Street Survival® Seminar to LifeLine Training, Ltd.

Calibre press instructors